For general inquiries, please email sw at seismicwave.net.
Here is where you can follow us on social media:
Here is a quick FAQ:
Q: Can I send you my demo?
A: The answer here is, sure. However, with the level of resources we have, you’d be better off sending it to your cat. This is a tiny micro label, and the releases all generally kind of pay for the next one. So: effectively, sure! But practically: no.
Q: Where can I find Seismic Wave Entertainment releases?
A: You can find them in all digital mediums, as well as at Amazon and bandcamp mailorder. With some releases also physically available in Australia and Europe.
Q: Doesn’t your logo kind of resemble the Learning Curve Records logo?
A: Or does their logo resemble OURS?!! In any case, yeah, a little bit. Wild right? Luckily we are buds and work together all the time.
Anything else?
Q: Nope, I stopped reading after you said you don’t accept demoes.
A: Fair enough.